August 2014 – Xcēd, a subsidiary of Sasser Family Holdings, Inc. is mounting an expansion of its service offerings into the Canadian market. Xcēd  now offers leasing and single investor equipment financing solutions and life cycle management of all aircraft ground support equipment throughout North America.


“We are already experiencing a thriving U.S. market and will soon be servicing all the major airports throughout Canada,” said William Long, Managing Director. “It was part of our global expansion effort to have a presence outside the U.S. in 2014. Going forward, we will continue to evaluate other global markets.”

Xcēd brings a wide range of customer-focused services including asset management, leasing, financing, trade-in of used ground support equipment, buy/sell services, and refurbishment services to the GSE industry.

Xcēd is one of six subsidiary companies of Sasser Family Holdings (SFH), a 4th generation company with roots dating back to 1928. SFH includes two other North American businesses focused on asset management. These are Chicago Freight Car Leasing (CFCL), a leading lessor of rolling stock and Union Leasing, which offers flexible automotive fleet lease financing and value-added services.

“The life cycle of ground transportation equipment gives Sasser’s family of businesses an asset with a strategic life cycle falling between CFCL’s rail cars and Union Leasing’s automobiles,” said Long.

Xcēd Aviation Services is located at 425 North Martingale Road, 6th Floor, Schaumburg, IL 60173 and can be reached at 844-213-9233 or visit

About Xcēd and Sasser Family Holdings, Inc.: Xcēd Aviation Services was launched in 2014 as an aviation ground support equipment finance and asset management subsidiary of Sasser Family Holdings, Inc. Sasser Family Holdings is a 4th generation, family-held transportation asset services and management company with roots dating back to 1928. Other subsidiary business units include Chicago Freight Car Leasing Co., Union Leasing Inc., CF Rail Services LLC, CF Asia Pacific Group PTY Ltd, and NxGen Rail Services LLC. The subsidiary units are leaders in providing commercial and industrial focused rail and vehicle transportation equipment solutions including asset leasing, fleet administration management, asset repair and maintenance, and innovative technology services throughout North America, and Australia. For more information about Xcēd Aviation, visit or email [email protected]. For more information about Sasser Family Holdings, Inc., visit